
Bylaws - Southeastern Museum Conference, Incorporated

You can open the latest copy of the SEMC Bylaws by Clicking Here

Conflict of Interest Policy  - Southeastern Museum Conference, Incorporated

You can open the latest copy of the SEMC Conflict of Interest Policy by Clicking Here


The SEMC Committee structure allows for a team approach to getting related work done, and helps foster better communication. Each Committee Chair is a member of the Executive Committee, and is responsible for the work flow of the coordinators who will be working with them. Each coordinator will be encouraged to help identify new leaders by drawing from the entire membership to get the work done.

Executive Committee

The Council, upon recommendation of the president at his/her first Council meeting, shall designate an Executive Committee which shall consist of not less than six directors, including the four director-officers, the immediate past president, and one director. When Council is not in session and except as prohibited by law, the executive committee shall have all powers vested in the Council by law. (Excerpted from the SEMC Bylaws, Article VI, Sections 1 & 2).

By-Laws Review Coordinator: Reviews bylaws and policies of SEMC every 2 years to see that they reflect intent and purposes of the organization. 

Strategic Planning/Evaluation Coordinators: Entire Executive Committee: Annually reviews and updates the goals, objectives and strategies contained in the SEMC Long Range Plan. Coordinates periodic Long Range Planning retreats, makes recommendations to Council to modify the Plan.


Matthew Davis
SEMC President
Dr. Calinda Lee
SEMC Vice President
Deitrah J. Taylor
SEMC Secretary
Scott Alvey
SEMC Treasurer
Heather Marie Wells 
SEMC Past President

Nominating/ Endowment Committee

Annually prepares a slate of candidates for SEMC's Council for the mid-year Council Meeting. The slate shall attempt to provide a broad and well balanced representation on Council, taking into account the various museum disciplines, all segments of the museum profession, geographic distribution, and all other elements that are important in the existence of any democratic body. (Additional information about the committee is contained in Article VII, Sections 1& 2 of the SEMC bylaws.)

Works with Financial Committee and SEMC Central Office to develop investment and growth strategies for endowment fund.

Nominations Coordinator: Is responsible for soliciting nominations from council and the full membership and providing those nominations to the executive director to become part of the potential council member data base. Assist Awards Coordinator with suggestions of potential award nominees.


Nomination Committee Chair

Heather Marie Wells

SEMC Past President

Rosalind Martin
Council Director 

Annual Meeting Committee

Evaluation Coordinator: Designs, distributes, analyzes and reports results of periodic membership surveys in an effort to determine how the organization can best serve its members, to guide in long range planning, and to assist in programs and arrangements for annual meetings and workshops. He/she also develop annual meeting program and local arrangement evaluation forms.

Local Arrangements Chair: Coordinates logistics for all events at the hotel(s), museums and any other venues for the annual meeting. Responsible for assigning sub-committees chairs who assist the SEMC Central Office with all aspects of the annual meeting. For further descriptions of responsibilities, see annual meeting manual.

Program Committee Chair: Determines and is responsible for program content and presenters, as well as special features to be built into the program, such as annual meeting seminars and workshops, and keynote speakers.  For further descriptions of responsibilities, see annual meeting manual.

Publication Design Competition Chair: Responsible for organizing annual publication design competition including developing database, selecting judges, notifying all participants, and set-up and display of winners at the annual meeting. Coordinates with SEMC staff to send out announcements and solicit participation.

Scholarship Chair: Administers the annual meeting scholarship program: prepares Call for Applications for publication in Inside SEMC and direct mailing, reviews applications, selects scholarship recipients, notifies applications, and makes presentation at Annual Business Meeting. Makes recommendations to Council for changes in scholarship funding or criteria.

Awards Chair: Administers the annual James R. Short, the Presidential Award, Museum Leadership, Distinguished Contributor, Outstanding Service to the Museum Profession and Emerging Museum Professional awards. He or she prepares Call for Nominations for publication on the SEMC website, solicit and review nominations, select honorees, notify nominators and honorees. He or she purchases the award and coordinator makes presentation at annual meeting. He or she makes recommendations to Council for new awards or changes in criteria as appropriate.

Silent Auction Chair: 
Responsible for coordinating the silent auction and the funds are used to support scholarships the following. Responsibilities include: soliciting items; organizing items before the annual meeting and during the annual meeting; displaying them in the resource expo so attendees can bit on them; and providing executive director with silent auction forms and bid forms so he/she can write thank you notes after the annual meeting is over.


2023 Annual Meeting Chair 

Dr. Calinda Lee
SEMC Vice President

2023 Program Committee Chair

Heather Nowak, SEMC Administrator

2023 Local Arrangements Co-Chairs

Cynthia Torp, Chris Goodlett

2023 Technology Competition Chair

Scott Warren

2023 Publication Design Competition  Chair

Amanda Briede

2023 Exhibition Competition Chair

Michelle Schulte 

2023 Scholarship Chair 

Deborah Van Horn

2023 Awards Chair

Rosalind Martin

Professional Development

Plans and implements educational programs that will supplement the annual meeting and address specific needs of member institutions and professionals. He or she periodically produces publications resulting from committee-sponsored programs. A member of this committee also sits on the Program Committee to coordinate workshops held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.

Archives & History Coordinator: Collects and organizes all pertinent archival material on SEMC since its establishment. They design and oversee a records management program for the organization.

JIMI Committee Coordinator: Plans and implements the annual institute which provides an eight-day, total immersion environment for museum professionals to learn more about general museum administrators and operations. JIMI gives administrators the key resources imperative to orchestrating personnel efficiency, staff morale and overall organizational improvement.

Career Center Coordinator: Organizes and maintains all aspects of the Career Center including coordinating SEMC website Job Descriptions and annual meeting career center.


Professional Development Committee Chair Archives & History Coordinator

Career Center Coordinator
Elise LeCompte

JIMI Evaluation Committee Chair

Heather Marie Wells 

Finance Committee

Committee recommends annual operating budget to Council, provides financial oversight for SEMC office and programs.

Grants Acquisition, Contracts and Charitable Giving Coordinator: Assists Executive Director and Treasurer with identifying gifts that fit the mission and purpose of SEMC. Assists Executive Director with preparing a proposal and submitting to the foundation or other entities. Assists Executive Director with identifying and applying for grants that fit the mission and purpose of SEMC. If award is granted, assist with Executive Director with contracts and other filling needs.


Finance Committee Chair

Scott Alvey
SEMC Treasurer

Fundraising Committee Chair 

David Butler

Past President

Member Services Committee

Works closely with directors and central office staff to direct a campaign to recruit new individual, institutional and corporate members. With Executive Director and Executive Committee, he or she designs and makes recommendations to Council for changes in membership categories and dues structure to be incorporated in the membership brochure.

Affinity Group Coordinator: Serves as the liaison between the SEMC Council and officially designated representatives of the AAM standing committees and other affiliate professional organizations and interest groups. He or she annually updates the contact list of such groups and works with the Executive Director to arrange affinity group functions at Annual Meeting. He or she encourages group chairs to submit articles for Inside SEMC as well as program proposals for the annual meeting and arrange affinity group functions at annual meeting.


Member Services Committee Chair

Affinity Group Coordinator

Newsletter/Communications Coordinator: Assists Executive Director with enforcing deadlines for SEMC Inside News; researches ideas for new newsletter lay out and stories.


Commication Committee Chair

Social Media Committee Chair

Industry Partner Chair:
 Responsible for assisting SEMC with increasing their corporate membership. He/she will also represent the corporate firms on the program committee and on the site selection committee.
Zinnia Willits