Governance/FINANCIALS/CommitteesBylaws - Southeastern Museum Conference, Incorporated
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Conflict of Interest Policy - Southeastern Museum Conference, Incorporated
You can open the latest copy of the SEMC Conflict of Interest Policy by Clicking Here
The SEMC Committee structure allows for a team approach to getting related work done, and helps foster better communication. Each Committee Chair is a member of the Executive Committee, and is responsible for the work flow of the coordinators who will be working with them. Each coordinator will be encouraged to help identify new leaders by drawing from the entire membership to get the work done.
Matthew Davis SEMC President |
Dr. Calinda Lee SEMC Vice President |
Deitrah J. Taylor SEMC Secretary |
Scott Alvey SEMC Treasurer |
Heather Marie Wells SEMC Past President |
Nomination Committee Chair Heather Marie WellsSEMC Past President |
Rosalind Martin Council Director |
Awards Chair: Administers the annual James R. Short, the Presidential Award, Museum Leadership, Distinguished Contributor, Outstanding Service to the Museum Profession and Emerging Museum Professional awards. He or she prepares Call for Nominations for publication on the SEMC website, solicit and review nominations, select honorees, notify nominators and honorees. He or she purchases the award and coordinator makes presentation at annual meeting. He or she makes recommendations to Council for new awards or changes in criteria as appropriate.
Silent Auction Chair: Responsible for coordinating the silent auction and the funds are used to support scholarships the following. Responsibilities include: soliciting items; organizing items before the annual meeting and during the annual meeting; displaying them in the resource expo so attendees can bit on them; and providing executive director with silent auction forms and bid forms so he/she can write thank you notes after the annual meeting is over.
2023 Annual Meeting Chair Dr. Calinda LeeSEMC Vice President |
2023 Program Committee Chair Heather Nowak, SEMC Administrator |
2023 Local Arrangements Co-Chairs Cynthia Torp, Chris Goodlett |
2023 Technology Competition Chair Scott Warren |
2023 Publication Design Competition Chair Amanda Briede |
2023 Exhibition Competition Chair Michelle Schulte |
2023 Scholarship Chair Deborah Van Horn |
2023 Awards Chair Rosalind Martin |
Professional Development Committee Chair | Archives & History Coordinator |
Career Center Coordinator Elise LeCompte |
JIMI Evaluation Committee Chair Heather Marie Wells |
Finance Committee Chair Scott AlveySEMC Treasurer |
Fundraising Committee Chair David Butler Past President |
Member Services Committee Chair |
Affinity Group Coordinator |
Commication Committee Chair |
Social Media Committee Chair |
Zinnia Willits |